This is a space that I will post all manner of thoughts, photos, links, charts, line drawings,ect..... that I collect or create while at work and play........

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Well here we are............... in the bloggosphere..... First a few lets get a few things outta the way... My spelling sucks
I am addicted to my blackberry
I travel a lot ( sometimes to the displeasure of my wife Laura)
I am freelance ( aka a HO for the tv biz)
My wife is also a HO ( please see above definition of HO )
We have 3 kids
Bills suck when you don't have any money
Our bills suck all the time since I went freelance.....

I love the business I am in....
Some of my best friends I have met working....
I have seen places that I would never would have imagined.......

Anyway there it is.... My first post......Glad that is done....

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The Blogger......

Chicago, North Side, Il, United States
Mid 30s, Married Network television engineer with 3 kids.